编辑于2020年6月22日 Edited on 22nd June 2020 







境外采购并送至国内医院的防护物品共计:护目镜10,723副,防护服14,375套,手套125,500只。国内采购并送至国内医院的防护物品共计: 手套6600双,阿尔多比片259盒,酒精消毒片40,000片,脉搏血氧饱和仪550台,双水平正压通气治疗机17台,双水平呼吸治疗仪3台,正压生物防护面罩56个及配套滤罐672个。所有捐赠的物资皆由湖北省一线医院或科室接收,接收函已在捐款平台网站发布。

此外,3月26日,TorontoWuhanDonate志愿者团队通过Sunnybrook Foundation的专项捐款平台将本次募捐的余款937.74元加币全数捐给多伦多的Sunnybrook Hospital医院用于对抗新冠COVID-19疫情。




海南航空公司,Antek Logistics物流公司,普路通报关公司,加拿大温莎华人组织,华科南通校友(匿名),华科校友会上海分会(周锋会长,黄道荣副会长,刘建安校友),南医医疗队李强医生,江岸区法院法警志愿者,汉口医院,海军医科大学医疗队陶医生,北京大学加拿大校友基金会,武汉协和医院杨超教授,参与采购打包运输仓储的志愿者们,协助翻译及更新网站的志愿者们,以及提供财务和法律专业知识的志愿者们。





TorontoWuhanDonate志愿者团队 2020年6月22日

侵权必究 All Rights Reserved


编辑于2020年6月22日 Edited on 22nd June 2020 


3月26日,鉴于国内疫情得到控制,海外疫情蔓延,TorontoWuhanDonate志愿者团队一致决定将本次多伦多华人募捐的剩余捐款捐赠给多伦多当地的医护工作者。经财务审核,TorontoWuhanDonate志愿者团队通过Sunnybrook Foundation的专项捐款平台将本次募捐的余款937.74元加币全数捐至多伦多的Sunnybrook Hospital医院用于对抗新冠COVID-19疫情。




TorontoWuhanDonate志愿者团队 2020年6月22日

侵权必究 All Rights Reserved


编辑于2020年6月22日 Edited on 22nd June 2020 



此外,国内采购的正压生物防护头罩和配套滤罐由厂家于2月和3月陆续发送至荆州市第一人民医院(广州援荆留守医疗队),京山市人民医院,黄冈市中心医院大别山医疗中心,孝感市中心医院麻醉科,随州市中心医院药学部,武钢总医院重症医学科手术室,湖北省第三医院 ICU重症,同济医院心外科,武汉火神山医院共9家接收单位。

感谢海南航空公司无偿承担了本次物资多伦多至北京的空运费用,感谢Antek Logistics物流公司提供专业的物流指导,以及免费的仓储和订舱服务。感谢普路通报关公司提供的免费报关服务。感谢温莎华人组织承担本次运输护目镜的国内物流费用。





TorontoWuhanDonate志愿者团队 2020年6月22日

侵权必究 All Rights Reserved


编辑于2020年3月1日 Edited on 1st March 2020

TorontoWuhanDonate 捐款购买的第三批物资,包含11000件防护服,2352副护目镜,125000只手套,价值111503.86元加币,以及本次协运的由加拿大温莎华人组织捐赠的10110套防护服,合计26托盘物资,于多伦多时间2月18日送至机场海关仓库。其中11托盘物资搭载HU7976航班于北京时间2月22日晚抵达北京首都机场,剩余15托盘物资由海航多伦多时间2月23日运往北京。26托盘物资的清关文件于2月18日提交给普路通报关行。全部物资已于北京时间2月25日完成清关。北京时间2月27日,顺丰物流已专车将物资运输至武汉分发至武汉同济医院,武汉协和医院,武汉协和医院神经外科,武汉中心医院,武汉东西湖人民医院,南医援武汉医疗队,鄂州中心医院,鄂州二医院,随州中心医院,广水一医院,广水二医院共11家接收单位。

感谢华科校友会上海分会(周锋会长,黄道荣副会长,刘建安校友)协调国内清关运输以及沟通药监局审批,感谢普路通报关公司(陈芳,Cindy)对TorontoWuhanDonate每次物资运输提供免费报关服务。感谢海南航空公司无偿承担了本次物资多伦多至北京的空运费用。感谢Antek Logistics物流公司提供专业的物流指导,以及免费的仓储和订舱服务。感谢南医医疗队李强医生协助现场进行物资分发,感谢江岸区法院法警志愿者协助卸货。




TorontoWuhanDonate 志愿者团队 2020年2月27日

The third batch of medical supplies was delivered to Toronto Pearson Airport customs warehouse on February 18, 2020 per Hainan Airlines’ requirements. The third batch included: 11,000 pieces of protective coveralls (43 boxes), 2,352 pairs of medical safety goggles and 125,000 pairs of medical gloves purchased by TorontoWuhanDonate as well as 10,110 pieces of protective overalls donated by the Chinese communities in Windsor, totalling 26 pallets of medical supplies. Among these, 11 pallets of the supplies arrived at Bejiing Airport in the evening of February 22, 2020 via airline HU7976, and the remaining 15 pallets arrived in Beijing in February 24. Customs clearance was completed on February 25. The supplies were delivered by SF Express to 11 frontline hospitals in Hubei on February 27.

We would like to thank Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) Alumni Association Shanghai Branch for assisting with the logistics, Prolto Supply Chain Management for providing clearance service free of charge, Hainan Airlines for offering free shipment by air, and Antek Logistics for providing logistics expertise and providing warehouse, transportation, packaging and cargo booking free of charge.

We will make our utmost effort to get the third batch of supplies delivered. Updates will be posted on our donation page: https://torontowuhandonate.causevox.com/

Again thanks to everyone for your support!

We would like to pay our tribute to all frontline medical staff fighting against the coronavirus!!

Toronto-Wuhan-Donate Volunteer Team

侵权必究 All Rights Reserved


编辑于2020年2月27日 Edited on February 27, 2020






TorontoWuhanDonate 志愿者团队 2020年2月27日

Due to the lack of available medical supplies outside of China, scarcity of available free logistics options, and high international shipping costs, since February 13, 2020, TorontoWuhanDonate volunteer team have started to purchase medical supplies within China and send them directly to frontline hospitals in the Hubei Province. This batch of supplies included 5,800 pairs of surgical gloves, 800 pairs of examination gloves, 259 boxes of Arbidol (umifenovir) tablets, 40,000 alcohol wipes, 550 pulse oximeters, 17 BiPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure) systems, 3 CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) systems, with a net worth of approximately $57,830.83 CAD (including delivery fee). Recipient hospitals are as follows: Wuhan No.1 Hospital, The Central Hospital of Wuhan, Wuhan Children's Hospital, Wuhan No. 4 Hospital, Union Hospital affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hubei Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital, The First People’s Hospital of Jingzhou, Suizhou Central Hospital, Xiaogan Central Hospital, Ezhou No. 2 Hospital, People’s Hospital of Jingshan, Southern Medical University medical team supporting Honghu, Jiangsu medical team supporting Huangshi. We would like to thank an anonymous HUST Nantong alumnus for purchasing and sending the supplies on our behalf.  

We will continue our utmost effort to purchase medical supplies by utilizing donation funds raised.

Updates will be posted on our donation page: https://torontowuhandonate.causevox.com/

Thanks again for all your support!

We would like to pay our tribute to all frontline medical staff fighting against the coronavirus!!

Toronto-Wuhan-Donate Volunteer Team

侵权必究 All Rights Reserved

编辑于2020年2月23日 Edited on 23rd Feb 2020

TorontoWuhanDonate 捐款购买的第三批物资,包含11000件防护服(共43箱),2352副护目镜,125000只手套,价值111503.86元加币,以及本次协运的由加拿大温莎华人组织捐赠的10110套防护服,合计26托盘物资,已按海南航空要求于多伦多时间2月18日送至机场海关仓库。其中11托盘物资已搭载HU7976航班于北京时间2月22日晚抵达北京首都机场,剩余15托盘物资仍在等待海航安排运输。26托盘物资的清关文件已于2月18日提交给普路通报关行,待物资全部抵达北京后清关,由顺丰物流专车运输至武汉,再分发给待接收的湖北一线医院(共11个接收单位)。

感谢华科校友会上海分会协调国内清关运输事宜,感谢普路通报关公司提供免费报关服务。感谢海南航空公司承诺无偿承担本次物资多伦多至北京的空运费用。感谢Antek Logistics物流公司提供专业的物流知识,以及免费的仓储和订舱服务。




TorontoWuhanDonate 志愿者团队 2020年2月23日

The third batch of medical supplies was delivered to the Toronto Pearson Airport customs warehouse on February 18, 2020 for shipment by the Hainan Airlines. This batch included: 11,000 pieces of protective coveralls (43 boxes), 2,352 pairs of medical safety goggles and 125,000 pairs of medical gloves purchased by TorontoWuhanDonate, at a total value of 111,503.86 CAD; and 10,110 pieces of protective overalls donated by the Chinese communities in Windsor. In total, there were 26 pallets of medical supplies. Among these, 11 pallets arrived at the Beijing Airport in the evening of February 22, 2020 via HU7976, and the remaining 15 pallets of supplies are awaiting shipping arrangement with the Hainan Airlines. Customs clearance documents for all of the 26 pallets were submitted to Prolto Supply Chain Management on February 18, 2020 for customs clearance in Beijing. Once all of the supplies arrive and clear the customs, they will be delivered to Wuhan by SF Express and will be assigned to 11 frontline hospitals in Hubei Province.

We would like to thank Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) Alumni Association, Shanghai Branch for assisting with the logistics, Prolto Supply Chain Management for providing customs clearance service free of charge, Hainan Airlines for offering free shipment by air, and Antek Logistics for providing logistics expertise and providing warehouse, transportation, packaging and cargo booking free of charge.

We will make our utmost efforts to get the third batch of supplies delivered. Updates will be posted on our donation page: https://torontowuhandonate.causevox.com/

Again thanks to everyone for your generous support!

We would like to pay our tribute to all frontline medical staff fighting against the coronavirus!!

Toronto-Wuhan-Donate Volunteer Team

侵权必究 All Rights Reserved


编辑于2020年2月12日 Edited on 12th Feb 2020






The second batch of medical supplies purchased by TorontoWuhanDonate was delivered to Wuhan Hankou Hospital via the medical team from the Second Military Medical University at around 00:30am Beijing Time on February 12, 2020. The supplies included 1,075 protective coveralls and 6,110 medical safety goggles and have been delivered to the frontline medical staffs. Thank you to the volunteers for their hard work. We also appreciate HUST ShangHai’s efforts in coordinating custom clearance and logistics in China.

The third batch of medical supplies including medical coveralls, medical safety goggles and medical gloves has been purchased and stored in a cargo warehouse. Preparation work for customs clearance and shipping has commenced.  We will also include the medical suits donated by the Chinese communities in Windsor in our third batch of medical supplies.

Thanks to everyone for your support!

We would like to pay our tribute to all frontline medical staff fighting against the coronavirus!!

Toronto-Wuhan-Donate Volunteer Team

侵权必究 All Rights Reserved


编辑于2020年2月6日 Edited on 6th Feb 2020

TorontoWuhanDonate 捐款购买的第二批物资(包含1075件防护服(共43箱),6110副护目镜(共770箱)) 2月5日送往多伦多机场附近打包,进入海关仓库,并已于2月6日16时从多伦多机场搭载海航 HU7976航班飞往北京。抵达北京清关后,将在多方协助下直接运输至武汉一线医院进行分发。

感谢海军医科大学医疗队、汉口医院及华科校友会上海分会协调物流报关事宜,感谢普路通报关公司和圆通物流提供免费绿色通道。同时感谢某位不愿透露姓名的华科校友热心联系海航民航局,感谢海南航空公司从上至下的热心配合以及无偿承担该批物资多伦多至北京的空运费用。感谢Antek Logistics物流公司提供专业的物流知识,以及无偿的仓库,运输,打包和订舱等服务。最后感谢海军医科大学医疗队陶医生协助对该批物资规格质控的指导。

至此,TorontoWuhanDonate志愿者团队已购置并运送两批, 约合$53,844.83 CAD急需防护物资回国至武汉抗疫前线医院。第三批防护物资(价值约5万元加币)已陆续到达多伦多中转仓库。我们将继续尽最大努力尽快落实采购和物流运输,后续进程请持续关注募捐平台网站公告:https://torontowuhandonate.causevox.com/



TorontoWuhanDonate 志愿者团队 2020年2月6日

The second batch of medical supplies purchased by TorontoWuhanDonate was delivered to customs warehouse near the Toronto Pearson Airport on February 5 and was delivered to Beijing by Hainan Airlines HU7976. The supplies included 1,075 protective suits (43 boxes in total) and 6,160 medical safety goggles (770 boxes in total) and will be distributed to Wuhan hospitals with the help from different organizations upon customs clearance in Beijing.

We would like to thank the medical team from the Naval Medical University, Hankou Hospital and Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) Alumni Association Shanghai Branch for assisting with the logistics, Prolto Supply Chain Management and YTO Express for providing green channel clearance free of charge, an anonymous HUST alumnus for correspondence with Hainan Airlines Civil Aviation Administration, Hainan airlines for offering free shipment by air, and Antek Logistics for providing logistics expertise and providing warehouse, transportation, packaging and cargo booking free of charge. We would also like to thank Doctor Tao from the medical team from the Naval Medical University for inspecting the medical supplies.

As of today, two batches of medical supplies with a net worth of $53,844.83 CAD have been purchased for delivery to hospitals in Wuhan. The third batch of medical supplies valued at approximately $50,000 CAD are being sent to the warehouse in Toronto. We are continuing our efforts to purchase medical supplies to meet the demand for containing coronavirus. Updates will be posted on our donation page: https://torontowuhandonate.causevox.com/

Thanks again for all your support!

We would like to pay our tribute to all frontline medical staff fighting against the coronavirus!!

Toronto-Wuhan-Donate Volunteer Team

侵权必究 All Rights Reserved


编辑于2020年2月5日 Edited on 5th Feb 2020



编辑于2020年2月2日 Edited on 2nd Feb 2020


北京时间2月2日晚,ToronoWuhanDonate第一批物资确认已运抵武汉协和医院。共计2299件防护服,651副护目镜(共120 箱)已交付武汉医护人员。感谢志愿者辛苦的工作,感谢北京大学加拿大校友基金会的物流协助。

The first  batch of medical supplies purchased by TorontoWuhanDonate was delivered to Wuhan Union Hospital in the early morning Beijing Time in February 2, 2020. The supplies included 2,299 protective suits and 651 medical safety goggles (120 boxes in total), has been delivered to Wuhan Union Hospital. Thank you to all of the volunteers who worked day and night, and to PKU Canada for coordinating logistics in China. We did it!

TorontoWuhanDonate 志愿者团队 2020年2月2日

侵权必究 All Rights Reserved


编辑于2020年1月31日 Edited on 31st Jan 2020


We received the donation fund in the net amount of $294,079CAD today from CauseVox. We are purchasing more medical supplies and arranging for the next shipment to China.

另多伦多时间1月31日早9时许,我们从承运方北京大学加拿大校友基金会(PKU Canada)相关人员了解到: ToronoWuhanDonate第一批物资已“确认物资已运抵北京“,“北大校友在为这批物资动用资源忙碌协调,校友协调京东物流派了机场分检站站长亲自带车在仓库们外等了三个小时,仍没有提出货物”。我们再次对PKU Canada的努力表示感谢,也期待物资能尽快运送至武汉!

As of Jan 31st (EST) at 9am, we were informed by PKU Canada that our first batch of medical supplies had been “confirmed arrival in Beijing”. “PKU alumni worked with JD.COM and assigned an officer to pick up these medical supplies at the Beijing Airport warehouse; However, after 3 hours of waiting, the handover did not happen.” Again we would like to express our sincere appreciation for PKU Canada's efforts and help with all the logistic coordination in China, and we hope these medical supplies can be delivered to Wuhan as soon as possible!


编辑于2020年1月30日 Edited on 30th Jan 2020




自1月23日晚于第三方独立平台Causevox在线倡议发起TorontoWuhanDonate募捐, 24小时内募集善款共计三十余万元加币,在此衷心感谢大家对武汉抗病毒前线的支持!

第一批物资(2299件防护服,651副护目镜)于2020年1月28日送往多伦多机场附近打包,随后进入海关仓库。29日16时从多伦多机场搭载海航 HU7976航班飞往国内。抵达清关后,将立即发往武汉送至集中收治重症病例的武汉协和医院(接收联系人:杨超教授,吕翼(后勤处处长))。北京大学加拿大校友基金会(PKU Canada) 协调了对接海航运输团队,承担了清关以及联系京东物流保障北京机场至武汉协和医院的运输。在此我们特别感谢PKU Canada主动联系我们团队并积极分担了清关和国内物流艰巨任务,协助贯彻大家坚持的将物资送至一线医护的原则。我们也特别感谢海航无偿承担该批物资多伦多到北京的空运。我们还感谢武汉协和医院杨超教授通过连线视频协助对运输物资规格质控进行指导。




TorontoWuhanDonate 志愿者团队 2020年1月30日

侵权必究 All Rights Reserved

Update from the Toronto-Wuhan-Donate Volunteer Team

January 30, 2020

To Those Who Support the Toronto-Wuhan-Donate Fundraising Efforts and Volunteers

Dear All,

Thank you to you all for your support to raise donations and deliver medical resources to Wuhan, which is severeely affected by the 2019 Novel Coronavirus!

We have raised over $300,000 CAD within 24 hours since we initiated the Toronto-Wuhan-Donate fundraising campaign on Causevox on January 23, 2020. We sincerely appreciate all your participation and support.

On January 28, the first batch of medical supplies including 2,299 protective suits and 651 medical safety goggles were delivered to the Toronto Pearson Airport, and packed and stored in a cargo warehouse. On January 29, these supplies were loaded onto Hainan Airline HU7976 at 4pm. Once the flight lands and custom clearance is comleted, these supplies will be immediately delivered to Wuhan Union Hospital, one of the specialized wards for this outbreak (contacts: Professor Chao Yang and Facility Manager Yi Lv).

A huge thank-you to the Peking University Alumni Foundation of Canada (“PKU Canada”), who provided help for custom clearance. PKU Canada is aslo handling communications with Hainan Airline and JD.COM to ensure all of the logistics from the Beijing Capital Airport to the Wuhan Union Hospital. We sincerely appreciate the generous offer from the Hainan Airlines for offering free freight transportation. A special thank you to Professor Yang Chao at the Wuhan Union Hospital for his support and facilitation in quality control of the medical supplies via video calls.

A total of $304,048.00 CAD was raised in this fundraising campaign. The net amount is $294,079.00CAD after deducting credit card processing fees by the third-party service platform. Donation funds are expected to be paid out as early as January 31, 2020. In addition, we received ¥9,220.00 through donations over WeChat. The first batch of medical supplies was funded by generous loans from Junjie Ding, Jinjian Li and our volunteers.

We are continuing our efforts to purchase medical supplies that are in high demand. Our work will be timely updated on our donation page on CauseVox: https://torontowuhandonate.causevox.com/

Last but not the least, we truly appreciate all the support and efforts from our volunteers and supporters. We believe we can fight against the virus.

Pray for Wuhan.


Toronto-Wuhan-Donate Volunteer Team


编辑于1月26日 Edited on 26th Jan 

更新:由卫博士和陈博士1月23日晚倡议发起的“多伦多华人武汉抗病毒医疗捐赠”自发捐款活动因募集资金已超预期,于1月24日暂停接收捐款。声明:本筹款活动的倡议及捐赠均为民间个人行为, 不代表参与人所在单位团体官方立场, 感谢大家的支持和理解, 谢谢。

Update: As the funding raised by spontaneous donation "Toronto Wuhan Donate", initiated by Dr Wei and Dr Chen on Jan 23rd 2020, has exceeded the expectation, we have temporarily disabled the donation option on Jan 24th 2020. Disclaimer: the initiative and donations involved are all on one's own behalf and are not representing the organizations they are from. Thank you for your support and understanding. 

当前工作重点: 1. 疏理打通物流运输通道各个细节,保障“供货商—仓库—机场—海关—武汉—医院—科室”的物资运输通畅; 2. 为了解冻本平台的捐赠款项便于尽快下单订货,积极联系平台公司,争取因情况特殊能予以破例在7个工作日内解冻捐赠款; 3. 跟一线培训过的医生共同审核待采购物资是否合规,尽量避免因规范问题浪费捐赠款项; 原则:物资尽快到汉,并且尽量直达一线医务人员。我们会公开进展以供监督。

Our current working steps: 1. Ensure all procedures for delivery are smooth with all parties involved. 2. Contact the fundraising platform CauseVox and its partner Stripe to make an exception to release the funding currently being held by Stripe before 7 business days. 3. Review the supply with the doctors at the first-front to ensure all procurements meet the quality requirement to avoid the waste of resources. Our goal: to deliver the equipment as soon as possible to doctors and nurses in Wuhan. We will disclose all procedures for public supervision.  


Toronto Wuhan Donation 多伦多华人武汉抗病毒医疗捐赠

Donation from Chinese in Toronto to hospitals in Wuhan epicenter of the outbreak of the coronavirus.

我们捐赠的流程:在本平台(公共透明的第三方独立平台)募集,统一购买物资,通过以下两个渠道输送物资:Our donation and delivery process: Fundraising from public and transparent third-party independent platform, unified purchasing of equipment, delivery to hospitals, by following two approaches:  

1. 采购加拿大物资 - 验货型号达标仓储 - 待接收物资医院联系人出具确认捐赠函(院级盖章) - 多伦多机场 - 北京海关 - 武汉医院及科室对接联系人 - 开具接收证明 Purchase equipment in Canada - Quality verification and storage - Issue of Confirmation of Donation by contacts at recipient hospital (with stamp certification) - Deliver by courier from Wuhan to Beijing Airport - Custom clearance (pre-arranged process) - Pick up equipment by main hospital contact from the airport - Distribute to individual hospitals - Documentation. 
2. 直接与国内供货商订购 - 由一线医生代验货保障质量合规 - 待接收物资医院联系人出具确认捐赠函(院级盖章) - 快递到对接医院科室联系人 - 开具接收证明 。Purchase equipment in China - Quality verification and storage - Issue of Confirmation of Donation by contacts at recipient hospital (with stamp certification) - Deliver by courier to individual hospitals in Wuhan - Documentation. 

计划接收物资医院包括但不仅限于(根据医院物资需求缺口的动态变化和病情程度,可能该名单会有增减调整):武汉协和医院,红十字会医院,武汉肺科医院,汉口医院,中部战区医院,武汉市第一医院,武汉大学人民医院,武汉中心医院,武汉第四医院,武汉黄陂医院,黄冈市中心医院等。Planned recipient hospitals in Wuhan and surrounding areas (will be adjusted based on their needs and circumstances). 

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